The John Cooper School, founded within the vision of The Woodlands, Texas, is a community where scholarship, creativity, and curiosity prepare students to be leaders in a dynamic world. Honoring timeless traditions while embracing innovation, we intentionally equip our diverse group of students with future-minded skills and habits of success, inspiring them to lead a life of learning and purpose in the communities of which they will be a part.
Founded in 1988, Cooper continues to serve as the premiere independent college preparatory school of The Woodlands. As part of the development of The Woodlands original master plan, the founder, George Mitchell, envisioned and guided the formation of The John Cooper School. His vision included dedicating 43 acres of land to build an exceptional independent school that was aligned with the mission of our community here in The Woodlands.
Cooper’s strategic plan reaffirms our commitment to our mission and this community.
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